Why is the DALI protocol called an advanced dimming solution?

Home-Clima LED Controller    Why is the DALI protocol called an advanced dimming solution?

DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) is an international public standard lighting control communication protocol with a communication speed of 1200 BPS ± 10%. Mainly used for dimming control of multiple fluorescent lamps and LED lighting. DALI can form a network with a maximum of 64 short addresses and 16 group addresses. A master can control one or more slaves to communicate in half-duplex mode.


DALI protocol is a special lighting control protocol, only used for lighting system, DALI system is easy to connect with building automation system BAS, it is a supplement to BAS system. The characteristics of DALI are as follows: only two signal lines can form a DALI dimming network, which can address up to 64 different ECGs (electronic control devices), can communicate in two directions, and control lights on and off through the bus. Get information about the working condition of the lamp, 256-level logarithmic dimming curve, this curve uses the human eye's sensitivity to low-illuminance light, making the entire dimming area look like linear adjustment.


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DALI is not only a dimming ballast, but also a DALI host, DALI buttons, DALI sensors, etc., so that all different types of DALI devices can form a system, which is centralized by a computer to remotely manage and control lights.


The DALI protocol led dimming solution has the advantages of low development difficulty, low cost, easy expansion, and strong practicability, showing its strong advantages in the field of intelligent lighting control. The digital lighting network uses modern lighting technology to reduce energy consumption, while improving the flexibility of the system, reducing maintenance costs, and humanized dimming control can be used to meet specific conditions and local needs. The use of daylight intensity, maximum dimming requirements and the effect of sensors on energy saving are self-evident.



The DALI protocol led dimming solution follows the Digital Addressable Lighting Interface protocol, which is an international standard light dimming control protocol. DALI dimming has many advantages. Compared with other dimming methods, its advantages are as follows:


  (1) Digital dimming, accurate, stable and smooth dimming

  (2) DALI can communicate in two directions, and can feedback the status of the lamp

  (3) DALI control is more flexible

  (4) DALI has strong anti-interference ability

2015年8月19日 12:21